Colorado Initiative 2023-2024 #91: Prohibit Trophy Hunting

 The proponents of this initiative are wielding misinformation as their weapon. They’ve coined the term “Trophy Hunting” to mislead the public and potential voters, veiling their true intentions behind a facade of concern over fair chase, cruelty, and mismanagement. We, the Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management, a 501(C-4) organization, have embarked on a painstaking journey of legal, educational, and logistical endeavors to quash this unfounded initiative. 

Our mission is clear – to halt the advance of this anti-hunting agenda before it morphs into a nationwide ban on ALL HUNTING. The stakes are high, transcending beyond the borders of Colorado, beyond the fate of Mountain Lions and Bobcats.

Learn more and get involved at

The Nimrod Society: Telling the Sportsman’s Story!

The Nimrod Society’s goal is to educate the general public in all states about the positive role sportsmen play in wildlife conservation. We do this by helping create and facilitate state-based public education programs modeled on the one developed in Colorado in 1998.


President Theodore Roosevelt was a champion for sportsmen, because he knew that hunting and fishing were crucial to preserving and protecting wildlife. Today, as fewer people hunt and fish and anti-hunting and animal rights groups campaign against our sports, we need you to Be Like Teddy.

Help us educate the public about the true values of hunting and fishing.

US residents involved in wildlife-related recreation.

dollars spent per year on wildlife related activities.

In 2011, 46.8 million U.S. residents 16 years old and older, 15 percent of the population, participated in wildlife-related recreational activities. These recreationists spent $75.5 billion on their fishing, hunting, and wildlife watching.

Read the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, & Wildlife conducted by the Census Bureau for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Department of the Interior. 2011 FHWAR Report

Advertising in Action

The Colorado Wildlife Council’s mission is to educate the general public about the benefits of wildlife, wildlife management, and wildlife-related recreational opportunities in Colorado, specifically hunting and fishing. The council is funded through a surcharge on hunting and fishing licenses, and managed by a citizen advisory board.


Want to learn more?

Watch the case study of the Colorado Wildlife Council, or learn how to get started with an educational campaign in your own state!