Model Legislation

The Nimrod Society was created in order to facilitate programs to educate the general public on the positive role anglers and hunters play in society through accurate and factual education and media programs. Current education programs run by state wildlife agencies are narrowly focused on hunter education and wildlife education in schools. These agencies do not have the money or resources to properly educate the general public about the broader positive issues involving wildlife sports.

Our goal is to expand a public education program to all states nationally, therefore we have prepared a guide for Pittman-Robertson Act Compliance, and model legislation for your use. Feel free to contact us with questions or for additional resources, and be sure to get your copy of our Marketing Toolkit.

Model Legislation

Model Wildlife Council Legislation

Model Legislation

Pittman-Robertson Act Compliance

Michigan Wildlife Council

The Michigan Wildlife Council (MWC) is a nine-member public body whose members are appointed by the governor and subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

The Michigan Wildlife Council shall develop and implement, in conjunction with a third-party marketing or advertising agency, a comprehensive, media-based public information program to promote the essential role that sportsmen and sportswomen play in furthering wildlife conservation and to provide information about hunting, fishing and the taking of game. That education shall include, but not be limited to, teaching that hunting, fishing, and the taking of game are any of the following:

  1. Necessary for the conservation, preservation and management of this state’s natural resources.
  2. A valued and integral part of the cultural heritage of this state and should forever be preserved.
  3. An important part of this state’s economy.


Model Legislation

Public Act 246 of 2013

Model Legislation

Michigan Wildlife Council Public Education Subaccount