Smoke and Mirrors: Newsweek Article Exposed for False Claim That Hunting Harms the Environment
NRA Hunters' Leadership ForumJim Heffelfinger The attack on hunting as a conservation tool by anti-hunting academics and their friends in the media is heating up. A recent Newsweek article titled, “Scientists Warn American ‘Promotion of Hunting’ Is...
JORDAN SILLARS When Fred Koontz was a member of the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, he would sometimes joke that they’d been assigned to the wrong department. “I used to joke that we ought to be part of the Agriculture Department,” he told Stateline. “What we...
Conservation Words That Work
Determining How to Engage the American Public Through the Language of Conservation by Responsive Management Responsive Management and the Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) have just completed a new Multistate Conservation Grant study on the conservation words and...
How to Talk to a Non-hunter About Hunting
Diana Rupp Almost every hunter has been asked the question at some point: Why do you hunt? Sometimes it’s framed more negatively: How can you kill an animal? When you’re asked such a question, don’t get defensive. Answering thoughtfully presents a great opportunity to...
The American System of Conservation Funding – What’s It Going to Look Like?
Originally published in Wildlife Management Institute's Outdoor News Bulletin on September 14, 2018. By Mitch King The American System of Conservation Funding is the funding strategy that has supported scientifically based management of our nation’s fish and wildlife...