The Nimrod Society is an organization created and operated by avid sportsmen. Its mission is to perpetuate the sportsmen’s heritage and promote wildlife management and conservation through education and awareness of the positive role sportsmen play in society among other hunters, fisherman and the general public.
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website, recreational sportsmen are often called the original conservationists. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recognizes these sportsmen and women as its greatest partners in conserving healthy wildlife resources.
According to the 2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service every 5 years, 82 million U.S. residents, approximately 39 percent of the population, participate in wildlife related activities each year. These recreational activities contribute more than $108 billion to the U.S. economy annually.
A few facts on the economic and cultural impact of hunting and fishing on society:
- More than 34 million individuals participate in fishing activities each year over more than 557.4 million days.
- Anglers fuel the economy by spending:
- An average of 16 fishing days annually per individual
- $1,046 annually per angler
- $14.7 billion for fishing trips
- $17 billion on equipment
- $4 billion for licenses, stamps, tags, land leasing and ownership, membership dues, contributions and magazines.
- More than 13 million individuals participate in hunting activities each year, totaling more than 228.3 million days.
- Hunters fuel the economy annually by spending an average of 18 days hunting per individual and $1,581 annually on the sport.
- Many endangered species have been saved due to conservation and wildlife dollars generated through hunting and fishing license fees.
About the Nimrod Society:
- Is aimed at developing a sustainable, national public education campaign through partnerships with state wildlife agencies to counteract those organizations wanting to stop the activities of sportsmen across America.
- Wants to see each state add a surcharge to hunting and fishing licenses for spending on comprehensive media-based education and public relations programs in addition to current hunter education and wildlife education programs in schools.
- Was formed in 2003 by avid sportsmen wanting to ensure the strength of wildlife management and opportunities for current and future hunters and anglers.